Showing 3 Result(s)

Heuristic Principles – Best Practices

1 Visibility of system status Feedback: keep user informed about what goes on Provide status information Feedback: show that input has been received Features change as user carries out task Feedback provided for all actions Feedback timely and accurate Indicate progress in task performance Direct manipulation: visible objects, visible results Identity cues system response vs. …

Flexibility and Efficiency Use

Flexibility and efficiency of use heuristic principle is about giving your users ways to speed up their work with more efficiency and flexibility. It’s the seventh heuristics guideline of Nielsen’s Heuristics. Put in Nielsen’s words, Accelerators — unseen by the novice user — may often speed up the interaction for the expert user such that the system …

Recognition rather than Recall- Example

User are encountered to interact various people and products where they want to feed input and get output daily basis , during this interaction they easily recognize things which they want to interact or sometime they use memory to retrieve relevant information continue interaction. So there are two parts involved each interaction which are recognition …